About John Gilroy

Self-Direction, Creative Interpretation, Innovative Solutions

John Gilroy PhotographerJohn enjoys blending his ideas with those of the job’s Designer, Art Director or Corporate Communications Director. However, if supervision is not in your budget, you can confidently have John assume all or part of the logistical and aesthetic decisions. His creative interpretation and attention to detail will produce superior images.

When we ask John for help, we know we can count on creative, show-stopping work that is on time and on budget.

— Richard Matteston, Jr.
Director of Corporate Communications CMS Energy

John graduated from Brooks Institute of Photography with the school’s highest honors. He received a BFA with advanced study in advertising, industrial and portrait photography. He was an Officer-in-Charge of documentary photography for the elite Department of the Army Special Photographic Office (DASPO). And, over the years, he has had vast experience in small business and corporate photography in the financial, retail, property development, healthcare, food, paper, plastics, furniture making, pharmaceutical, metal stamping and foundry industries.

John’s style is unique, but what really sets him apart from the competition is his skill in lighting. He learned portrait, product, architectural and motion picture lighting from the masters of lighting at Brooks Institute of Photography and he experiments to hone his skills on every assignment. John continually searches for new lighting insights, conceptualizing the style of light which takes the client’s subject matter to a new level of impact. Whether the subject is an individual portrait, group photograph, architectural space or production area, the lighting is designed by John to bring out the best attributes. This is done quickly and efficiently, without interrupting activity in office environments, architectural interiors or production lines. John will bring enough lighting equipment (at no additional cost) to create these natural lighting effects or dramatic effects in professional spaces, retail operations or plants.

From Product to the Board of Directors, he manages to bring out unique features of the subject.

— John Brown
Chairman and CEO Stryker Corporation

Why choose John Gilroy for your Commercial Photography needs?

He will…

  • enhance your company image with dramatic compositions.
  • create the best lighting effects to best capture the emotion of your people/products.
  • portray the uniqueness of your facility and your people
  • find the best visual potential in your environment
  • plan your project from timeline through completion, attending to every detail of the photo shoot, getting the job done, even without supervision